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Le Grand Jury Aux Usa

Grand Juries: Unveiling Their Unique Role in the Legal System

Distinct Features of Grand Juries

Purpose and Responsibilities

Grand juries are unique bodies empaneled to investigate potential criminal offenses and determine if there is sufficient evidence to warrant a criminal trial.

Non-Trial Format

Unlike trial juries, grand juries do not determine guilt or innocence. Their sole responsibility is to evaluate the evidence and decide if there is probable cause to believe the accused committed the alleged crime.

Secrecy and Confidentiality

Grand jury proceedings are typically conducted in secret to protect the integrity of the investigation and preserve the rights of the accused. Grand jurors are sworn to secrecy and are prohibited from disclosing any information about the case.

Key Differences from Trial Juries

Trial vs. Investigation

Trial juries decide whether a defendant is guilty or not guilty based on the evidence presented in open court. Grand juries, on the other hand, investigate potential crimes and determine if there is enough evidence to go to trial.

Determination of Guilt

Trial juries must reach a unanimous verdict on the guilt or innocence of the defendant. Grand juries only need to determine if there is probable cause to indict the accused, which is a lower standard of proof.

Absence of a Judge

Trial juries are presided over by a judge who ensures the fairness of the proceedings. Grand juries, however, do not have a judge present during their deliberations.
