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Draw Io Freihand

Drawing Freehand Shapes in

Introducing is a versatile diagramming app that allows you to create a wide range of diagrams, including flowcharts, organizational charts, mind maps, and illustrations. One of its key features is the ability to draw freehand shapes, which is essential for creating custom illustrations and graphics.

Accessing the Freehand Mode

To access the freehand mode in, simply press the "X" key on your keyboard. This will toggle the drawing tool to freehand mode, allowing you to draw freeform lines and shapes.

Creating Custom Illustration Shapes

With, you can create your own unique illustration shapes using the freehand mode. This is especially useful for creating custom icons, logos, and other visual elements for your diagrams. To create a custom shape, simply draw the shape freehand using your mouse or tablet.

Tips for Drawing Freehand Shapes

  • Use a light touch and draw smoothly to create clean lines.
  • If you make a mistake, simply press the "Undo" button to revert your changes.
  • You can use the "Zoom" tool to get a closer look at your drawing.
